Short Film: Studio One 6, a digital audio studio, is used in this project to change the way the short film "The Gateway" sounds. It uses four songs by Ryuichi Sakamoto to give four different scenes different dramatic tones. Using things like Foley Sounds, Ambient Sounds, and Background Music, techniques like volume control, gain, EQ, compression, fade-in and fade-out, and binaural panning are used to build a two-dimensional soundscape. This sound model is broken down and put into groups based on where the sound sources are on-screen. By putting Foley Sounds and Ambient Sounds in front of the visual scene, the project combines sound and picture to make the spatial hearing experience better.

Game: This project looks at how important sound design is for making players feel more immersed in and understanding of video game stories. It highlights the increasing effectiveness of sound in bridging the visual gap in the gaming experience. This work looks at how moving music can be made for 3D games. It has shown how important it is to look at a game's sound output as a whole, rather than as a random collection of sounds, and our music does a good job of making a realistic atmosphere for exploring and fighting. As the story goes on, the soundtrack changes in a way that reflects the player's state of mind and affects their emotional reactions.

Vehicle: The NSW Future Transport Technology Roadmap 2021-2024 says that autonomous technology is very important for making smart transportation. This project looks at the form and meaning of the sounds that autonomous vehicles make, thinking about how they can help passengers and pedestrians think and feel. In a place with a mix of people, sound design helps both comfort and safety by making sure alerts are loud enough to wake people up but not so loud that they bother people. The alerts are different from one another. Urgent alerts use high-pitched, repeating sounds, while proximity alerts are slower and less urgent. This lets passersby know what the car wants to do.


Wiper-Inspired Design Programming: Life's Journey through Power, Collision, and Growth | p5.js


Urban Indicator Design: Aging, Green Space, Accessibility | Data Visualization | QGIS